Monday, August 15, 2011

A Prayer

     Good Morning All.  I want to post up prayer I feel Jesus guided me to pray recently.  As I was reading in Psalms about a month ago, I felt Jesus guide me to write a prayer using what I read.  I have included the bible verses that line up with what I included in the prayer.  God's Word, is very important because as you are aware, when Jesus was tempted in Matthew 4 Jesus always responded "It is written," or "The scriptures say," depending on the bible translation you are reading.  Since Jesus refers to scripture why shouldn't we?  If you pray this prayer daily or every now and again feel free to include "as it is written in _____" filling in the blank for the verses included as you pray.  In case you are wondering, NLT is short for New Living Translation.  Have a blessed day.

Dear Father I pray in the Name of Jesus,

     Thank You for sending Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, as a sacrifice for my sins.  Father I thank You that we are saved by Your grace (Ephesians 2:8 King James).  Thank You for the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:23 NLT).  I thank You Lord, that because of Christ, I am dead to sin and my relation to it is broken, but I am alive to God through Jesus Christ (Romans 6:11 NLT).  Thank You that You alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing (Psalm 16:5 NLT) and that my cup overflows (Psalm 23 NLT).  I thank You Lord that You guard all that is mine (Psalm 16:5 NLT).  I thank You Father that You are always with me and that I cannot be shaken because You are right beside me (Psalm 16:8 NLT). Thank You Lord that You are my rock and my redeemer (Psalm 19:14).
 Lord, please help me to cloth myself with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12 NLT).  Please help me to make allowances for others’ faults (Colossians 3:13 NLT).  Lord please help me to continue to have Your peace, the peace of Christ rule in my heart (Colossians 3:15 NLT).  Jesus please help me to grow in my relationship with You and be the witness You want me to be and understand Your voice faster than I currently do.  Lord please help me never to be deceived about You (Luke 21:8, Deut. 11:16 King James).
 I thank You Lord that You are able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think, and to You be all the glory forever and ever (Ephesians 3:20-21 King James).

Your will be done.  In Jesus’s Name I pray,

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